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Posted Date: 2/14/25 (5:21 PM)

  1. 3rd Quarter Progress Reports will be sent home today with students.
  2. No School on Monday, February 17, 2025. This is President’s Day.
  3. The Soroptimist of Carthage is putting on a girl’s event 2/19/25 in the commons.  Dream It, Be It will be held in the commons from 3:10-5:00.  There will be giveaways, food and fun for girls who attend.  Girls need to have a ride home at 5:00.
  4. Track and Field sign-ups will take place in your social studies classes. Join the google classroom and make sure to fill out the “track and field sign up form” to officially sign up for the team. The first day of practice is March 3rd after school. You must have a physical and proper paperwork on file in the office to practice.
  5. 50 more yearbooks have been ordered!  Because we had less than 15 available yearbooks, I have ordered 50 more. 65 yearbooks are now available. Don’t miss out – they are selling quickly!