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Speech & Debate

Speech and Debate club will be Wednesday, August 30th at 7:00 am in room 135. Please join us if you would like to improve your speaking and argumentation skills!

Speech y Debate club será el miércoles 30 de agosto a las 7:00am en room 135. Estas invitado si deseas mejorar tus herramientas de habla y argumentación. 

Meet the Team - Ms. Jamie Lindsey

My name is Ms. Lindsey and I have been a theatre, speech and debate teacher for 9 years. In my free time, you can find me studying for my master’s degree, creative writing or being with my friends. I truly enjoy teaching at the Jr. High and I look forward to having a positive influence on my students.

Purpose: The world of Speech and Debate can grant endless opportunities for students. Students will gain confidence, speaking skills and argumentation skills while participating in this organization, as well as a sense of teamwork, independency and more chances for higher education opportunities. My purpose is to give my students the skills they need to succeed past Jr. High and High School.

One word: Confidence. The skills my students gain in my classroom contributes to their overall confidence in themselves. It’s truly important.